Welcome to my blog!
You hear a story and think to yourself, “What were they thinking?” Well, I am going to tell you what I was thinking many times. I am not a person to hold back a comment, I will call it the way I see it. Sometimes it may offend someone and sometimes it may not. You might say, that is exactly how I feel or you may think that I am totally nuts. That’s OK because it is making you think about it and at some point, you may decide to take a stand about something important.
That is all I want to accomplish with this blog. I want people to start talking about anything and everything and take a stand. I don’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat, if you are left or right leaning, if you are an extremist or a moderate or if you are a conservative or a liberal. I care that we don’t take a stand. I care that we are all losing our ability to have honest discussion. I care that we resort to insults and back stabbing. I care that we have to find someone to blame all of the time. I don’t care that it is either left or right, or right or wrong, or black or white when nothing is ever that simple but without honest debate, without hidden agendas, we will never reach an agreement.
It all boils down to one of my mother’s life lessons. She was a great woman with intelligence that I never appreciated until late in life. She would always say, “Treat people the way you want to be treated and remember you are the only one responsible for your decisions, so think before you decide.” If we live life by this simple premise, we would all be better off. Thank you.
Please always remember our troops who are keeping us safe and free in your prayers.
BRAVO, BP!! It's good to see someone with an actual opinion instead of worrying what everyone else thinks all the time.
Having an opinion on things has never been my problem, usually it is the opposite. My opinions often get me in trouble. LOL.
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