I was Boo'd... in my own home!
It wasn't because I was expressing one of my political views about government waste! I wasn't attending a Tea Party. I was just about to leave to drive my daughter to the airport for her return trip to Orlando because she recently graduated from CMU and couldn't find work in Michigan. She found it in Orlando.
And I was Boo'd! My family tried to console me and telling me that it wasn't me that they were boo'ing, they were boo'ing the entire family.
But we loved it! We actually enjoyed getting boo'd!
While sitting in our family room, we heard the doorbell and wondered who would be at our front door this time of day. We weren't expecting anyone. Looking out the window, we saw a young person running down our driveway. Maybe it is one of those pesky canvassers dropping off a political brochure, we thought. But why would they be retreating so quickly? Didn't they want to annoy us with their opinion?
We opened the door and saw this little plastic bag, filled with candy with a post it note attached.
The post it note read, "You have been boo'd! Pass it on."
What a delightful thing to do to someone. This could be the start of a wonderful tradition. I don't know who boo'd us and I don't even care, I think it was a great gesture of kindness and selflessness and a fun way to say something nice to neighbors and to the people of Michigan who could use a boo or two.
To our Boo'er, thank you for boo'ing our family. I will pass it on!

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