Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Care - Who owns the football?

When Democrats and Republicans face off about the Health Care issue, it is like a bunch of emotionally challenged elementary school kids playing in someone's backyard. He who owns the football, makes the rules.

Currently the Democrats feel they own the ball but there is so much protest about who makes the rules, the other team may just stop playing. Then what is going to happen? The Democrats will have to play with themselves, something for which they are eminently qualified. Taking a stand alone in politics is not anything either party wants because they will have to own their decision and be responsible to the electorate.

What to do with Health Care reform is an enormous problem? All agree that some measure of reform is needed but not to the extent of Obamacare. How do we handle the Health Care dilemma?

Will the Democrats produce a health care bill that contains true reform or just the self-serving gigantic bill currently being offered? If the Republicans had the majority, would they bring forth a series of reform bills that address the problems with health care? It seems that men still control the health insurance industry and have many politicians in their back pockets.

When Viagra is available to prison inmates for free and as a co-pay for men but birth control is not covered under most insurance programs, there is a problem. When malpractice insurance costs doctors so much that they have to practice defensive medical policies, there is a problem. When courts award millions of dollars in damages instead of what should be realistically awarded, there is a problem. When insurance is managed by the individual states and not available to people outside of the state, there is a problem. When congress gets their insurance, a Cadillac insurance, for FREE, and we the taxpayer foots the entire bill, there is a problem. When the President refuses to listen to the people, there is a problem.

We know we need reform but which party will actually have the courage to enact true reform, not their government mandated 2,600 page bloated, over the top, HB 3200 currently being discussed. I don't believe either party is capable of enacting real reform for health care alone so let's go back to putting America back to work because Health Care is not going to happen. When are they going to stop playing politics with health care and actually start doing something?

Now you know where I stand, what is your take?


Anonymous William said...


I think the GOP holds the football, and always has. This is a game that both parties have played for years. The Dems scare the living hell out of the populace, they get voted out of office, and then the GOP takes charge and quietly implements incremental policy changes and additions, with bi-partisan support while the people aren't watching.

I'm glad the GOP is fighting the Dems on this right now, but when they take over next year they'll need to be watched just as closely as the Dems are being watched now, because historically speaking the GOP is much better at taking care of the football.

You brought up some obvious problems with the way health care is delivered, and those problems are also long-standing, yet they have not been corrected. In fact our self-styled "reformers" won't even address the obvious problems. That tells me that none of the obvious problems will be addressed no matter what happens in Washington DC.

March 12, 2010 at 10:40 AM 

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