Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Governor Granholm shows her incompetence, AGAIN!

2010 Michigan budget estimate $45+ billion. 2011 Michigan budget estimate $47+ billion.

What is wrong with that? Everyone in Michigan is cutting expenses and our glorious governor is raising the state budget by over $2 Billion. Her recently proposed budget is just another example of how out of touch our governor and politicians in general are. What part of "CUT" is hard to understand. "CUT" seems pretty simple. Let's try "CUT NOW", not next year.

Cut 10% across the board would save $4.5 billion savings. The state has a $1.8 billion deficit right now. It needs to cut at least $1.8 billion to have a balanced budget so why Governor Granholm is presenting an increase of over $2 billion is beyond my pay grade of comprehension.

She must just be out of her mind.

Remember this in November when we get to vote to replace her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. With that one first sentence you perfectly encapsulated the full extent of the problems with the Granholm administration!

And your last two sentences perfectly encapsulated the thoughts of (I hope!) a majority of voters come election day.

February 15, 2010 at 1:56 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Thanks John, I appreciate the comments. Remember to vote in November against this kind of politics.

February 15, 2010 at 5:57 PM 
Anonymous William said...


I admit that I'm no Constitutional scholar but I wonder if this is even legal/constitutional. Where is the money to cover the deficit going to come from? Where has it come from in the past? Either our state government has decided to promise to cover the difference (US Constitution Art.I Sec.10), or the feds are giving a loan (a power not granted in the US Constitution), or the Federal Reserve, or another party,is covering it (once again, Art.I Sec. 10). I wonder how this is even legal, and other states are even more far gone than we are. California's IOU's are clearly un-constitutional and you don't have to be a lawyer to understand that. There's got to be a way to control these so called representatives between the actual elections.

February 16, 2010 at 12:09 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

There is a way to control those so called representatives between the actual elections but it is probably illegal, correct that, it is illegal and not advised.

As for the constitutionality our government doesn't seem to care whether it is legal or not based on the constitution. They have their own version of the constitution which they seem to follow or not follow, it looks nothing like the one I have read.

As a matter of fact, after I read the U.S. Constitution, I have no idea what it says.

February 16, 2010 at 3:58 PM 

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