Obama visits GOP Convention
Don't you know that no Democrats has ever done anything wrong. Why can't you Republicans just accept that? Democrats don't ever admit errors or even that there is a possiblilty of an error!
Democrats are the party of write! You want wasteful spending for an airport in the middle of Pennsylvania that no one uses, just write a check for an earmark? You want a health care bill that will eventually bankrupt America, just write a 2562 page bill? You want to take your wife to NYC for a date, just fly Air Force One with all its support staff at a significant cost to the taxpayer (afterall Dems have an unlimited supply of money and we don't have to show any fiscal responsibility).
I watched Campbell Brown's program last night and was wondering how she can have such a 180 degree view of President Obama's lecture to the GOP? I mean, I know that America is made up of differing opinions but to be that far off and not admit that there was even a possibility that he was lecturing. Not even see the possibility that Obama is not allowing GOP input in his administration.
He said that both sides need to be more "civil toward each other", I say, lead by example. Show Americans that bi-partisanship begins with its leaders.
hello great info
Brian, you just don't want to fact the fact that President Obama took the hardest jabs the Republicans could throw at him and made them look silly and incompetent and like the complete frauds that they are.
Republicans came to a gun fight with a knife and President Obama handed them their lunch.
I bet they never invite him back, at least not with the cameras rolling.
Are you surprised? Obama has some serious mental problems which have been evident since before he was elected and he's too blinded by his imagined greatness to understand that he needs help from people who disagree with him. Of course he lectured the GOP, he's just not a smart guy.
If anyone else had used 'Si se puede, cambiar'(which was Obama's campaign slogan in Spanish)in a Presidential campaign and then demanded that their Party convention nominate him on 'Mount Olympus'...they would have been laughed out of politics and ripped to shreds by the media. This guy is not only a bad politician, he has delusions of grandeur and a disturbing God complex.
Bruce, I would take that bet but I don't want to take your hard earned money.
I just watched the entire lecture and Q & A session again to see if I missed something or if there was a portion I missed. I watched for 1:25:58 and I agree on something President Obama said.
He said, "I can stand here unequivocally and say that there has not been an administration who was tougher on making sure that lobbyists weren't participating in the administration than any administration that has come before us." That could be considered true but what he didn't say is that any lobbyist considered for an administration position had quit his lobbying job before he became part of my administration so technically he doesn't have lobbyists in his administration. He has former lobbyists.
When President Obama said, "A tone of civility instead of slash and burn would be helpful. The problem we have sometimes is the media responds only to slash and burn style politics." I seem to recall that Ms. Pelosi was calling Tea Party attendees Swastika carrying Nazis, among other names.
I do agree on one thing that President Obama said and that was his closing statement when he said, "At what point can we have a serious conversation about Medicare and its longterm viability, or a serious conversation about Social Security or a serious conversation about budget and debt in which we are not trying to position ourselves politically."
To quote President Obama again, "Words,just words." Actions speak louder than words. I would hope he means it this time but I am not counting on it. I will wait to see his actions.
Brian, the Republicans just want to score points. Republicans would no sooner have a serious discussion about Medicare as cut off their right arms.
Republicans are cowards that just look out for their own political skins. Republicans have no interest in solving real problems.
As evidenced by the Frank Luntz memo about financial reform, Republicans figure out how to use words to like but not make it sound like a lie.
Bruce, I am sure that Democrats would never use sound bites or take anything out of context to support their viewpoint
Look, both parties are to blame for the mess we find ourselves in. It is time to stop trying to score points, as you say.
After the November elections, we will see if Republicans are only trying to score points or if they can really lead. My thinking is that they can and will lead.
Remember to vote in November, it is and will be the most important election of the our lifetime.
Brian, yes, everyone uses sound bites, but I've never seen anyone affiliate with the Democrats purposely edit a video clip to actually literally change the content of what was said.
If Republicans were leaders, they would work with the administration to solve the problems facing the American people. Even when they co-sponsor bills, they end up voting against their own bill they co-sponsored.
They are deceitful to the end and the American people will see them for what they truly are, hacks and liars.
I feel sorry for you. With that kind of attitude, no wonder we are in the mess in which we find our country.
If you actually think Democrats would never purposefully edit video to change the content, you should watch CNN and then watch Fox News. It is hard to believe it is the same story. Both agencies cherry pick video and probably alter it to make their POV.
Brian, Fox has been proven to edit video to make a point, which is journalistically unethical and dishonest. Using clips is an accepted journalistic methodology and I have never heard of CNN of MSNBC doing that. Your statement is the same as saying "some people say" as a source.
Even Jon Stewart caught Fox using footage of the summer Tea Party gathering when doing a story about the gathering in September trying to show a larger crowd. What about the video of the Fox producer telling the tea party attendees to cheer louder. That's not journalism. That's propaganda, which is what Fox is best at.
I agree a story on CNN and a story on Fox may not be similar, but it's not because CNN isn't telling the story honestly, quite the contrary. Fox is the "news" station that has been proven to manipulate stories and carry water for the Republican party.
Jon Stewart is a comedian, not a journalist. Anyone who takes whatever he says seriously needs to understand that he is a comedian. No one should take his monologues as serious journalism.
Global Warming...Climate Change...Healthcare...Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth...all propaganda. Who carries the water for Democrats?
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