Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Good news and bad news

There is good news and bad news coming out of our illustrious leaders in Washington these days. While everyone is focused on the terrible tragedy in Haiti, congress is moving forward with the Health Care reform bill, all behind closed doors with no input from the Republican Party but plenty of input from private interests.

By private interests, I mean Unions. I heard about this a couple of weeks ago but thought it was just too bold and corrupt a move to be real. I was wrong. It seems that the Unions are going to get a free ride on their "Cadillac" health care insurance.

So there is good news and bad news.

The good news: Unions are not going to be taxed on their "Cadillac" benefits for the next five to seven years and for lifetime on dental, and optical insurance, thanks to the SEIU, UAW, MEA et all.

The bad news: If you are not a Union employee, your wallet is about to get a lighter. A lot lighter.

Estimates figure the cost to taxpayers will be in the $60 Billion range. Those especially hurt by this latest form of corruption will be the engine of the American economy, small businesses.

All along you probably thought that Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow were not working for Michigan. That Representatives John Dingel, Carolyn Cheecks-Kilpatrick, John Conyers, Sander Levin, Gary Peters and the rest of the Democrats were not doing anything to support the people of Michigan.

Congress and the Democrats keep paying off their debts for electing the President Obama. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid keep spending like there is an endless amount of money, spending like a drunken sailor in a (well you get the idea). Their benefits package alone is the most outrageous extravagant package in the world. They will never participate in this new Health Care Bill. They have exempted themselves and all federal employees for life. They are trying to make this bill so it cannot be repealed by future Congresses, although that will be a Constitutional challenge right out of the box.

The bottom line is that every non-union worker in the country, except for the fine folks in Nebraska, Louisiana and a few selected state which received even bigger payoffs, will be paying additional fees (taxes) for life. The Democrats are going to start taxing everything they can get their grubby little hand on. First to be taxed will be Social Security and Medicare benefits that cover our senior citizens. If you are currently receiving $2,000 a month from Social Security, expect to start receiving less than $1,800 a month. Fixed incomes are about to be lowered. These are the people that can least afford it.

How do you like "Change" now? Remember this in November.


Blogger William G. Schmidt said...

I'm actually happy that the Democrats are in charge and Obama is in the White House, because they are doing such a poor job of handling this health care reform that once they get done shooting themselves in the foot it won't be a topic again for many years... it is now that unpopular with the electorate.

I think that McCain would have been a far greater threat to the pocketbooks of Americans because he would have pursued reform, he's not a fiscal conservative (no matter what the GOP would have us believe), and I don't think that many of the so-called "teabaggers" would have scrutinized McCain anywhere near as closely as they have Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al.

IMHO, McCain would have been a wolf in sheep's clothing, the (R) next to his name would have led many people to believe that he was something that he is not, and if elected I think he would have, with the help of Congressional Democrats and RINO's,given us a disastrous "bi-partisan" reform package. The details may have been different, but it still would have been bad for the average American.

January 18, 2010 at 12:33 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

I agree with you especially about McCain. Had he been elected, it would have been almost as disastrous as Obama. I think Republicans have lost their way and need to get their act together and quit trying to play nice and return to a conservative platform and stick to it, especially if they get elected to office in November.

You are probably right about the tea baggers not scrutinizing McCain but they need to scrutinize all elected members with equal zest whether they are Democrat, Republican or alleged Independent, as Lieberman claims to be.

Remember November.

January 18, 2010 at 1:43 PM 

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