Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nation welcomes Detroit political mentality!

Welcome to Detroit! The highest rate of unemployment in the country. The lowest student test scores in the country! Home of some of the most violent crimes in the country! Home of some of the most corrupt city governments in the country! Home of some of the most polarizing unions in the country! Home of the MEA that is hell bent on serving its members without regard to student impact!

And why? Why has Detroit been on this spiral of self destruction? Why is Detroit, once one of the great cities in the country, losing residents faster than any other city in America? Detroit reached its peak in the 1950s and 60s and has been on a downward slide since. Why does Detroit always seem to be in a crisis mode?

The answer is simple! Detroit residents don't learn from their mistakes. The voters of Detroit vote blindly for their self-serving leaders. Evidence is aplenty. Coleman Young - 20 years, Kwame Kilpatrick - 6 years, Carl Levin - 29 years, Debbie Stabenow - 9 years , Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick - 12 years, John Dingell - 49 years, John Conyers - 44 years, Jennifer Granholm - 6 years, all have many characteristics in common. They were re-elected in spite of their dismal self-serving Democratic Party records.

Whenever an elected official in Michigan attempts to correct the errors of the past, like former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer or current Mayor Dave Bing is trying to correct, they run into an angry citizenry. Incumbent Senators don't even take any challenges to their seats seriously. They know that if you are elected in Michigan, you will automatically have the citizens of Detroit vote for you simply by being a Democrat. It doesn't matter what you values are. It doesn't matter what your politics are.

With the current politics in Washington, now the nation is experiencing the stupidity of Detroit politics. With the Democratic controlled Senate voting for the Health Care Bill this morning, they have accepted Detroit Style politics. Vote blindly for whatever the party puts forth. Shame.

German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said it best, "If we don’t learn our history, we’re doomed to repeat it"

Time to wake up and vote them all out in November, 2010.


Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

Brian, so what would conservatives have done if they had been in charge of Detroit? I'm sure the only answer Republicans have ever uttered is tax cuts, the one sure fire way to solve every problem. What a joke.

December 25, 2009 at 12:20 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Never a truer word said, "What a joke?"

December 25, 2009 at 8:58 PM 

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