Setting priorities!
Our members of Congress are much like Nero while the U.S. is at war, our economy is in shambles, the educational system is in turmoil, health care needs true reforming, and we have an alleged man-made global warming hoax members of our Congress are determined to continue to waste money in new and creative ways.
Now, they want to hold Congressional hearings about the State Dinner party crashers and reality TV wannabes Tareq and Michaele Salahi for walking into the White House dinner right past security. Congress continues to get involved in ridiculous hearings and interfere where they should stay clear.
The director of the Secret Service, Mark Sullivan, has agreed to testify but White House social secretary Desiree Rogers has indicated she will not. Rogers told The Associated Press last week that no one from her office was at the checkpoint through which the Salahis entered to help the Secret Service figure out who was and wasn't on the guest list.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Mississippi, Homeland Security chairman, wants to have a panel look into the event. A panel in D.C. usually means beaucoup bucks wasted.
This is a Secret Service security issue, not a Congressional issue. If anyone should get their hands slapped, it is the Secret Service. They screwed up! Period!
Doesn't anybody in Washington ever accept responsibility? No, they would rather point fingers because they know that finger pointing is the most effective tool politicians have in their arsenal!
I have an idea, let's blame Canada, afterall they give us all the bad weather!
Time to put the fiddle down and get to work on real issues!
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