Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who's afraid of Sarah?

Most Democrats, some Republicans and many in the mainstream media dismiss her without much thought but why?

As Sarah Palin begins her book tour, the media has been full of opinionators falling over themselves ready to dismiss and disspell her. They are attempting to minimize her impact and possibly derail her political aspirations. And the more they try, the more power they are inadvertently granting her.

When the Associated Press assigns 11 research writers to verify content of her biography, you know they are attempting to neutralize her. They didn't even research books by Newt Gingrich, Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, so why are they so fearful of Sarah? What does she have that no one else has? Why are they running scared? Does she have typos in her book? OMG!!!

I will tell you. Although I haven't yet read her book, I don't need to read it to understand her motives and her agenda. She is a fresh, honest, down to earth, normal person, much like most citizens. She has common sense and the ability to attract many more people to her than her detractors can.

So why are they afraid of her? She is about to expose their gig. She has the ability to generate more publicity than Obama. The media is afraid that their blind support of Obama will be exposed. That their hidden and not so hidden agendas will be brought to light for what they are.

Her detractors will say she is a quitter because she resigned as governor of Alaska without hearing her reasons. Sure, they listened but did they hear. I think not.

Most interviewers are trying to minimize her by asking stupid questions! Does anyone really care what Levi Johnson thinks or says? He is a 19-year old for God's sake. Did the Katie Couric interview embarrass you? Instead of asking her policy questions, they ask her silly questions.

Channel surfing the other day, I came across TV personalties on The Insider discussing Sarah Palin and couldn't believe the venom being spewed. Don't know who they were and really don't care to know but that kind of obvious hatred does not belong on TV. I made a note to myself to never watch that program.

The real reason so many are dismissing Sarah is that she has the ability to take this country back from professional politicians and they are running scared. Government does not have to be complicated, it is just made that way to guarantee job security. Make it simple for all to understand and you will win.

Go Sarah Palin! That is my stand!


Blogger Frog said...

You my friend are a certified idiot. The funniest thing in the world is when conservatives claim that liberals are "scared" of Sarah Palin!

LMAOOOOO nothing could be further from the truth, I pray each and every night before I go to bed that she will be the nominee because it will assure a Democratic victory.

The reason she draws so much attention is because nobody with her lack of intellect has ever been considered a legitimate politician.

The only thing that is scary is that we could have someone with NO INTELLIGENCE as the leader of the free world.

Stop trying to create some sort of remorse, stop making her the victim! She is not the victim, she hates the media, but she'll sure as hell go on every show to promote herself and her book.

She hates when people bring her family into it, but she will bring them with her and put them on display at every chance like their props.

Listen, if you're a Republican then by all means support who you would like, but you have LITERALLY HUNDREDS of people in your party that would be a better candidate.

If she is the best thing since sliced bread like you claim, then why did she lose the election? Why does every poll show the exact opposite of what you are saying?

Brian you are out of touch with the world, she is not "down to Earth" like regular citizens, REGULAR citizens are more intelligent then she is.

Why would I want a president that can not even match my intelligence?

Stop trying to push the hype machine. She is not the best candidate for anything, she is not intelligent, she is not "fresh", she can only proclaim that she is different because she is the dumbest politician to ever be on the national radar.

Please realize, WE ARE NOT AFRAID....AT ALL


We are not afraid, don't confuse RIDICULE with FEAR.

We are laughing AT HER, not with her.

And now I'm laughing at you, you're a disgrace.

Please take your regurgitated talking points elsewhere, they're clearly the only thing you have.

November 20, 2009 at 6:52 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Why so angry, Liberals won. Watch what you wish for, you may get it.

November 21, 2009 at 6:40 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frog, you are wrong. Sarah is super smart and I'm supporting her in 2012! She's way better than the RINOs like Huckabee and Romney.

November 25, 2009 at 5:45 PM 
Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

Oh my, god. Sarah Palin is an insignificant attention monger. She has no real understanding of issues. She is merely a Republican talking point machine.

Just watching this video, you can tell that Sarah supporters don't even really understand what Sarah stands for or what her policies are.

November 26, 2009 at 11:08 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

And I suppose Obama supporters know what he stands for and they can articulate his positions.

Most reporters ask Sarah Palin stupid questions about Levi Johnson or her daughter Bristol and have never asked for her positions on the issues. Watching Oprah the other day just exemplified the situation.

They seem intent not to let her discuss her positions on health care, the war of terror, the war in Afghanistan, the economy. She may not be as teleprompter professional as Obama but the people know she speaks from the heart, not the wallet.

As for the video, you know editing video is the easiest and most disingenuous trick in politics. Anything and everything is fair game. Both parties can easily make anyone look foolish

November 26, 2009 at 9:36 PM 
Blogger Sandy Gholston said...

You complain that the AP did not fact check other political authors, but you conveniently ignore the results of the fact checks.

She may not be able to read a teleprompter. It's interesting how people almost act as if the first black president somehow is the only president ever to read a speech. I don't think this is a coincidence.

She put her daughter and her then-boyfriend on stage and in front of the cameras. It would be foolish of her not to expect to have questions asked after the result of that relationship.

She screwed up so many simple questions and has had plenty of opportuntities to articulate her position only to face plant. And, in typical Sarah Palin fashion, she blames the media and attacks Katie Couric and the McCain campaign instead of simply taking the heat and not making excuses.

November 28, 2009 at 3:56 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Points well taken but no one in politics accepts responsibility for their errors only kudos for their alleged achievements. There is much blame to go around and we will never know the truth, only opinions from people covering their butts. Thanks for your comment.

November 28, 2009 at 6:15 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy it sure seems like people are afraid of Sarah because she is a real American like the rest of us that would like our elected officials to be upright, honest and transparent. The low IQ writers always attack what they fear the most, honesty.

November 30, 2009 at 4:54 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Honesty is not a prerequisite in politics but the opposite seems to be!

December 1, 2009 at 2:45 AM 
Blogger keep smiling said...

Yes, time to take a stand! But please make it an informed one!! If one only listens to MSM (or their sidekicks such as c-span commentary or the ill informed, one can not help but take the wrong stand.
Don't just listen; read, research, analyze. It is amazing the information hiding in plain sight. Such as Anita MonCreif's disclosures on ACORN (can you say snake oil salesmen); Leaked emails from Hadley/CRU regarding the climate change hoax (manipulated data & models for a start); CBO's analysis of the 'health reform' bill, the real analysis buried in the report (gotta love math, adding negatives to get a positive); Jenny passing blame for the educational funding demise on the legislature for her vetoes (hmmm, funding was in the balanced bi-partisan budget they sent her, guess she got so use to throwing others under the bus she forgot to look at who she was throwing).
So if you didn't know any better you would think ACORN was a reputable, freedom & liberty loving organization (oh so wrong); you would think climate change required us to give more money to correct the woes of the world (wrong); you would think the health care reform bill was really about health care reform (wrong); or you would think that Jenny was trying to actually fund education (wrong). And of course, if you only listened or read MSM you wouldn't know that Sarah Palin was defending our freedom and liberties long before we even knew they needed defending.
So yes, I am taking a stand. I will continue to support local charities not government sponsored come and take the money we know what is best for you organizations. I will continue to support energy conservation and recycling not phoney the sky is falling do as I say not as i do lies. I will continue to choose my own health care plans, doctors, services, & costs rather than some politically motivated bueauracrat in Washington. I will support an education system that is really interested in educating our children, and in a fiscally responsible way with my local funds. And yes, I will now stand up and support Sarah Palin for President 2012. With the peoples backing, she can make change that is real (and Constitutional)!

December 2, 2009 at 8:00 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Hey Keep Smiling, I agree with your analysis. Unless someone stronger and more conservative or equally conservative and electable rises to the occasion, I am for Sarah Palin in 2012.

December 2, 2009 at 10:41 AM 
Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

Brian, by being for Sarah Palin, you should relinquish your blog and retire from blogging forever.

Sarah Palin has an even lower approval rating than Dick Cheney and she has now been punked by two comedians, one was in the middle of the Presidential campaign when a comedian pretended to be Nikolas Sarkozy.

Sarah Palin has no qualifications to be President and the American public figured that out long before her book of lies came out. Even Republicans are panning her lack of intelligence and honesty.

It took her 14 months to figure out what she reads, then her answer was Newsmax, hardly a reliable source of information.

December 3, 2009 at 5:03 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Retire from blogging, you will have to pry this laptop "from my cold dead hands."

Are you going to tell me that Obama has the qualifications to be President? He didn't get the vote of all 57 states! (Oops!)

I'll take my chances with Sarah unless someone better comes along, thank you!

December 3, 2009 at 7:18 AM 
Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

The Irrefutable Stupidity of Sarah Palin

You should read this article and watch the videos.

If you don't agree Sarah Palin is the most unqualified person to be President ever, then you should turn in your laptop immediately.

December 9, 2009 at 6:47 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Bruce, you are holding up the poster boy for irrefutable stupidity and liberal biase as an example of intelligence. Have you seen the venom he spews on a daily basis.

December 9, 2009 at 7:41 AM 
Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

Cenk I think is a very thoughtful and knowledgeable talk radio host.

I have watch many of his clips and used to listen to his show when he was on Air America. I don't understand how you can say he spews venom but not go after Rush, Michelle, Sean, and Glenn Beck.

December 9, 2009 at 3:44 PM 

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