Vote NO on Huron Valley Millage Increase
Sure they call it a "Renewal" not an increase but it should be a "Decrease" and since it is not a decrease, it is therefore an "Increase". A rose by any other name will still have thorns.
I do value and am thankful for the education my kids received from Huron Valley schools and know that the teachers are a great resource and value. But you can receive a great education in most places as long as the parents are involved in their kids education. I know some great kids who went through the Pontiac school system and their parents were deeply involved and these kids turned out great. It doesn't take swimming pools, new gymnasiums, tennis courts, new football playing field with a $40,000 "L" at center field to make a great school. It takes commitment from the teachers, the parents and the community.
Recently the Oakland Press took an editorial stand supporting the millage renewal for Huron Valley. I think they erred in their judgement. Vote NO on millage renewal. I will and that is my stand.
I'm voting yes just to make you mad.
Dear Anonymous:
You are the typical rubber stamp voter who doesn't have the courage to use your real name. Afraid to take a real stand.
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