He said, She said Politics!
Both the Democrats and the Republicans have created this mess together. Both are to blame but both could be the problem solver, if only they can let go of their egos and purse string attachment to special interests and put the good of the country and its people first.
No one is right in the health care debate and no one is wrong. How can that be? Can't we find some mutual acceptable points and work from there? Surely there are some good points to the Democratic bills and equally there has to be some good points to the Republican proposals. If only each side would step back and listen to the other side instead of all the rhetoric and name calling. It will require an open mind and an open heart to listen without prejudice, to actually listen to each other. To force anything on the American people is wrong. It is wrong for the Republicans and it is wrong for the Democrats. Listen to each other. That is all we ask.
It takes true leadership to listen, something that is missing in both Lansing and Washington. Just listen, you might learn something.
Brian, I couldn't disagree more. We had a listening tour, it was called an election and Democrats won by overwhelming numbers in both houses of Congress and the Presidency.
Even now, overwhelming numbers of Americans want health care reform and a public option, but the Republicans are trying to make it sound like they have a majority. It's just not true and Republicans should just get used to being in the minority. It's going to be a long 8 years for you.
In fact, if Congress were really listening, we'd be talking about a single-payer Medicare for Everybody system, instead of a public option and a windfall for the insurance companies.
Bruce...I have been getting that a lot these days from Democrats disagreeing with me and that is OK. At least I listen and am not shutting out floor votes like Pelose and Reid.
And I agree with you. An overwhelming number of Americans want Helath Care reform. I want Health Care reform but not a government take over of the system that will lead to more corruption and bankruptcy.
I want true reform with OPEN HONEST DISCUSSION allowed from all sides, not just one side. Minorities are allowed to be heard except when the Democrats are in power. I thought they were the party of minorities. Guess I was wrong about that one.
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