Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What are Dems thinking?

I have been struggling trying to understand the Democratic Party. I have been wanting to give them the benefit. I have even been listening to Talk Radio with their point of view, their spin. I even wrote about the fact that not all Democratic ideas are bad. I have bent over backwards to try to understand from where they are coming. All to no avail.
What are they thinking? They must think that all Americans are illiterate! They try to hide behind their own personal agendas. They pretend that Health Care Reform will be better for all of us. They talk a couple of renegade Republican Senators into supporting it and claim it is a non-partisan bill. When White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel invites Top Dems to the White House for a meeting, it is usually at gun point. This guy is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. Chicago Politics.
Furthermore, it is bad enough that Charles Rangel, the Democratic Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee responsible for writing the Tax Code, under reported his income by $1 million and the Dems think it was a mistake. A mistake is when you forget to tell your wife that someone called for her earlier in the day. Under reporting a $1 million income is a wilful disregard for the law and Tax Code. He needs to resign and we need to vote every Democrat out of Congress as soon as possible.

That is my Stand.


Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

I can't believe they let another Brian blog here.

As a Democrat, I'll try to let you know what Democrats are thinking.

On health care, we're thinking 45,000 people die every year for lack of health care, and 45 million people, depending on who you include in the number, don't have any health care. America ranks 37th, according to the World Health Organization, in health care outcomes. Democrats think that we can do better than that and seek to make sure every American can get affordable health care, just like in every other industrialized country in the world.

I'm not real familiar with Charlie Rangle's situation, but what I do know is that it is being investigated and the most likely outcome is that he did violate some House rules, but he's amended his statements and will get a slap on the wrist, not the major deal Republicans have made it into.

If you need any further help on how Democrats think please feel free to call.

October 23, 2009 at 9:10 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

We have 36,000 people die each year from the flu. If we are ranked so poorly, why is it that people come from all over the world for our poor health care? I have a friend from Canada who waited two and a half years for rotator cuff surgery because some bureaucrat decided it was elective surgery, not necessary. He was laid off for 2 1/2 years. Is that good medicine?

To say you are not familiar with the Rangle situation is like sticking your head in the sand when their is a problem. Charlie Rangle writes the tax code and he cheated on his taxes and the IRS let it go. If that would have been any Republican, I would still be calling for his resignation and imprisonment and you would be screaming from the hilltops.

By the way, I usually agree with the other Brian but not always.

October 25, 2009 at 3:29 PM 
Blogger Bruce Fealk said...

Brian, it's our system that is broken, not our skill level or our technology.

People come here because we do have the best technology and doctors, but the system doesn't work for a lot of people and it definitely doesn't work for those that have no coverage or are undercovered.

We spend twice as much as any other country and our outcomes are 37th in the world, according to the World Health Organization.

Also, 65% of bankruptcies are because of medical expenses and 85% of those bankruptcies are people that had medical insurance.

There are problems in any system, but most Canadians are happy with their health care system and I bet you there would be riots in the street if you tried to take it away. It also makes Canada more competitive for business. Car makers are moving there because of the fact that they don't have pay for their employees' health car costs.

October 29, 2009 at 8:38 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Bruce, you are just reciting Dem talking points. I never said our system isn't broke. It is. I never disagreed with the high cost of medical treatment.
I know, I recently went for a colonoscopy, something you do when you get older. I wanted to have it done at a clinic for a facility cost of $635.00 but my insurance was too stupid and didn't accept the clinic in their plan and was told I had to have it done at the local hospital, at a cost of $4,200 for the facility alone. Sure, it wasn't my money because I already reached my max deductible but I was trying to be frugal. Trying to do my part to save money but they were telling me that they were going to spend an additional $3,500 because of their rules. This needs changing but not a government take over because with the government handling it, that $4,200 charge would probably be more like $12,000.

I want reform, just like everybody else, I just want common sense reform, not 1990 pages of self-serving BS.

November 1, 2009 at 10:39 AM 

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