Political Correctness - Our Downfall!
Don't report a stressed out Muslim Army psychiatrist who spews anti-American propaganda because you might offend the Muslim community. This tragedy at Fort Hood, TX could have been averted if only we were not so damned concerned about political correctness. And it is not only in this instance.
Political Correctness (PC) has been around for too long and it keeps getting worse. There is not one organization that doesn't practice PC. A boss asks a subordinate a question and rather than give his or her honest answer, they give a PC answer. Ask a politician a question and see if you can get any kind of answer without the PC jumping out. 911 was a prime example of PC. Many people suspected something was going to happen but they were either afraid to report for fear of reprisals or for fear that they weren't being PC.
It is time to lose this BS PC crap. If you are not prepared for the answer, don't ask the question. If you are acting weird or saying things that might show your true colors, expect to be reported.
We bend over backwards trying not to offend anyone. If someone's actions offends your senses, take action to alert the authorities, scream it from the rooftops if you have to. Do whatever has to be done to avert another tragedy. Why do we always wait until after the fact to raise suspicions.
The silence of the Muslim Community is deafening about this recent tragedy. It makes you wonder just how much they approve or disapprove what Major Nidal Malik Hasan did. They should be denouncing this kind of hatred on every occassion.
Time to take a stand against PC.
Brian, the Muslim community did denounce Hasan. You might have just missed it.
Wow, I didn't know that you had investigated the incident yourself.
Oh, you didn't? And there's been no report published telling why nothing was done about Hasan?
So you're just making stuff up.
Okay, then.
I guess that's why your blog says "Right or WRONG, take a stand."
Right now we have reports coming out saying that the original story wasn't even correct. We don't know what really happened (or why) and we won't for a long time.
Anonymous, the idea of the blog is to take a stand, not hide under anonymous. You need to realx before you pop a heart valve. It is an opinion page, not an investigative report and it was written before any of the news cast were out about this horrific act of terrorism.
Thanks, Bruce for your comment about the Muslim Community. I did recently see some comments but it seemed a little late. The should be disowning and denouncing terrorism since 911 every opportunity they get.
When the Fort Hood shootings occurred, my first reaction was that Major Hassan was a coward who did not want to go to Afghanistan. Because he saw himself as a good Muslim, he could not admit he was (1) a coward, and (2) he could not commit suicide. He could, however, commit suicide by police. If you really did want to commit terror, the middle of an army base is a stupid place to do it. There are too many weapons and people who know how to use them. There is too much discipline and training in how to face fire, disorganized situations, and surprise. There is no place to escape and thus live to fight again. But, it is an excellent place to commit suicide by police officer. It does allow you to escape the terror of being incompetent and in capable of doing your job by one swift, merciful bullet from a police officer, hence, suicide by police officer.
This alternate explaination is small, personal and Major Hassan's private escape that prevents us from seening his great fear (in the manifold meanings of that). Instead he fools himself that someone will see him as a "hero." Or maybe a real terrorist, not a sniveling, incompetent coward. And too many of us want a new bugaboo to fear, so we want to find that he was a fearsome terrorist, not a small, incompetent man trying to put on a front that he hoped was worthy of a good Muslim soldier. And, if he had learned anything in all of his training as an Army shrink, it would be that I knew his psychology better that all the fearmongers.
Tom, your comment that "There are too many weapons and people who know how to use them" is not completely accurate. Most personnel on a base are not armed, they don't need to be or I should say they shouldn't need to be armed.
Major Nidal Malik Hasan was/is a terrorist. But I would agree that most or all terrorists are cowards.
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