Raises for ALL!
With unemployment in the high teens, although they will quickly point out that the numbers are dropping, they continue to feed from the public trough. The only reason unemployment appears to be going down is because of people giving up or people like me who are self employed or self-unemployed and are not counted among the unemployed. Michigan has one of the largest Freelance communities in the country and when work disappears, these Freelance people go without. They don't collect unemployment benefits, they don't get to be counted among the statistics, they just try to find alternative employment. They still have to pay their own health care insurance, mortgages, car loans, you name it.
They cut back in expenses. They stop going out to dinner or the movies. They trim their budgets to reflect their loss of revenue. Unlike Lansing legislatures, who in times of loss revenue, take or give a pay increase. Doesn't Lansing know that their revenues are down? Why can't they realize they have to make cuts? What is wrong with these people? Are they so stupid they can't see this coming? Or are they just so arrogant that they think we won't notice? Don't they know the difference? People are hurting but they just continue as if nothing has happened.
This Lansing and Washington elitist attitude disgusts me and come November, we need to remember who is doing what to whom?
Check the real numbers at www.bls.gov and see for yourself that the unemployment is NOT DROPPING but accelerating. For our area, the Detroit-Warren-Livonia area can be chosen for monthly updates. It shows the unemployment % waffling about, but the # of people employed is dropping at a faster rate every month. The rate is either not reflecting this since folks are dropping off the unemployment benefits, or they are moving out of the state.
With no sign of leveling off to the employment losses, our government should feel ashamed at talking about tax increases, Human Serivices expansions to the tune of $2.5 billion, and new creative ways to raise our taxes. Shameful!
Go to the BLS web site and see the data for yourself. The power is in education, not listenting to what someone wants you to hear.
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