Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rodriquez must be a Democrat!

After 20 years of coaching football on the college level, Rich Rodriguez still doesn't know what compliance means or how to achieve it. Are you kidding me?

Listening to the news conference yesterday was painful. Here was a Division I university Athletic Director, not just any university, the University of Michigan, the university with the most wins in college football, the university with one of the most ethical records, claiming they made mistakes. Not taking any responsibility for the actions of his staff.

Yes, I know he wasn't the Athletic Director when it all happened but he is now and his first action is to slap the hand of his head football coach for making some mistakes.

Rodriguez claimed that the Compliance Dept. didn't notify him of his non-compliance. Excuse me,as head football coach, he should have been on top of this, all the time.

Rodriguez must be a Democrat because they never take responsibility for anything. Maybe he should look for a job in the Obama Administration where no one is to blame. I know, It's Bush's fault.

In the couple of years Rodriguez has been at the University of Michigan he has only embarrassed the university with his conduct. The stealth meeting in Toledo to hire him, his lawsuit, his player rebellion and departures, his losing record are all reasons to replace him.

I have been a staunch supporter of the U of M for over forty years but not anymore. Go Green - Go White!


Blogger Frog said...

Thank you for once again showing that you are a partisan hack by taking something that has absolutely nothing to do with politics and blaming it on Democrats.

Even if Rodriguez is a Democrat, as usual you provide absolutely nothing even close to being a fact, it is irrelevant to the situation.

However, I am impressed by the way you are able distract the reader from your remedial writing style with egregiously partisan nonsense.

Simply put, you are a disgrace.

May 26, 2010 at 2:42 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Hey Frog...What part of opinion do you not get? Anyway last I heard from you was when you swore that you were never going to read my blog again. What happened and why do you always have to resort to name calling instead of just responding in a civil manner?

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

May 26, 2010 at 9:58 PM 
Anonymous William said...


The first thing I thought when I read about this is that U of M is probably guilty of something bigger.

The offense they've admitted to is not really that serious, plenty of schools have been caught with extended practice time in the past and it's not really dealt with that harshly by the NCAA.

Michigan's overreaction to a relatively minor offense smacks of lighting a fire in the same room in order to hide a more serious offense. I have no proof of that, it's just conjecture on my part. Sparty On!

May 27, 2010 at 8:58 AM 

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