Blame Israel, Again...
I will be the first to admit that I don't completely understand Middle East politics but I do know that Israel is a peace desiring nation with a democratically elected government. Israelis don't want to be at war. They don't want to be on high alert all the time. They don't want to harm anyone. They just want to live in peace with the freedom to do as they wish.
They boarded a rogue ship last week in an effort to defend herself, plain an simple. They boarded 5 other ships to verify the humanitarian supplies without incident but the sixth ship resisted and refused to allow them to board. Their blockade is not something new. It has been in effect for quite some time without incident.
But don't take my word for it. Check out the link to PJTV and listen to more knowledgeable people discuss how the Middle East and nut cases like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Wack-mo-deen-a-job) and his fellow Iranian radical Islamists will effect your future if something is not done about it soon. Copy the below link and paste it in your address to learn more.
And don't count on Obama to do anything substantive. It is not is his best personal interest and he doesn't do anything unless he gains personally.
That is my opinion and stand. Let the hatred roll.
I wholeheartedly support Israel, however this paragraph
"I will be the first to admit that I don't completely understand Middle East politics but I do know that Israel is a peace desiring nation with a democratically elected government. Israelis don't want to be at war. They don't want to be on high alert all the time. They don't want to harm anyone. They just want to live in peace with the freedom to do as they wish."
Is possibly the most naive thing I have ever read. Essentially you boil generations of war and hatred into an elementary school playground. The dynamic is vastly more complex then we want peace and they're being mean to us.
Also, your late inclusion of Obama is unnecessary and just flat out inaccurate. For instance, most would say that his Health Care Reform did not help him gain personally whatsoever, in fact it has fueled the majority of his criticism. That is just one example of Obama attempting to accomplish something that might not have been in his best political interest.
Of course, as with most Anti-Obama people, you will probably refute my statement because you seem in a completely negative light.
I don't like him and I can't really imagine a scenario where I would vote for him, but the partisan shots are tearing this country apart and I would hope in the future you only bring your partisan feelings into the equation when it is absolutely necessary.
I think you would gain more readers if you didn't sing the same tune every time. Perhaps, dare I say, a post about something (there has to be at least one thing right?) that you think Obama has done well.
At the very least, it will show that you are a mature and reasonable blogger as opposed to just another conservative Obama hater.
I agree that Israel has taken some unjustified criticism in the past, but I think the recent criticism is justified.
Israel boarded two freighters in international water in one week and killed several people. Gaza blockade or not, they had no right to board those ships in international water. I disagree with your use of the term rogue because both of those civilian ships made their intentions clear before they even left port, which was to bust the blockade and deliver humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip. Israel isn't just looking for weapons, they are also looking for excess aid going into the Gaza Strip. Israel has placed a quota on the amount of aid Gaza can receive and it is a known fact that they seize the excess.
Israel really needs to decide what they want to do with Gaza. If they don't want to be too involved in the Gaza Strip then they really should lift the blockade, they're either at war with them or they're not, and if they're not then they have no right to cause the hardship that they are for 1.5 million people just because a few thousand militants are attacking them. That place is inhospitable under normal circumstances, it has to be living hell right now. The people in Gaza have a right to live as they wish just as the Israelis have, and what Israel is doing to them right now is wrong.
I checked out the video you posted. I was surprised to see MG Vallely giving a situation report. I was in the Intel Corps when I was in the Army and I knew of him back then, I never met him. He's not a battlefield commander, he was involved in psychological warfare operations, in fact he's associated with a fringe form of PSYOPS that requires you to delude yourself in order to achieve victory instead of manipulating the enemy psyche (my phrasing, NOT his, I'm sure he would not agree with my assessment :) ) Iran has a long history of playing head games, some stevedores in HAZMAT suits only means one thing, that some stevedores were seen wearing HAZMAT suits, that's all.
Don't take this as me letting the hatred roll, I usually agree with you but on Israel we definitely disagree.
Thanks William for your comments. It is really refreshing to have comments disagreeing with me that are well thoughtout without the usual amount of name calling and stupidity that gets us nowhere.
You point is well taken about Gaza and its people deserving to live their lives. If Israel was just looking for excess aid then I stand corrected. The question is how does Israel know it is just excess aid without boarding the ships or being allowed to inspect them? It seems that if I were bringing aid to people in need and someone wanted to inspect my cargo firsthand before letting me distribute it, I would not try to kill them, knowing they were armed and I wasn't.
I just don't understand how anyone can hate anyone so much that they want them dead. These leaders are supposed to be intelligent people. It just doesn't make sense.
You're right about the searches. Israel has placed a blockade on Gaza and those activists knew it, and they were obviously looking for a fight. Israel can only know for sure what is on incoming ships by boarding and searching, however I think Israel really screwed up by boarding those ships in international waters. If Israel had waited until the ships were in territorial waters I would have had much less of a problem with their actions.
I am also disturbed by the the fact that the Israeli-Palestinian issue is now spilling over. It's not just about those two parties anymore, other countries are now getting involved, and if this situation is not handled intelligently it may lead to something much bigger. I'm not talking about Iran, I'm referring to the ongoing diplomatic war between Turkey and Israel and the western activists who are now getting involved. This could get really ugly really fast.
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