Re-gaining our Trust
A friend double crosses you and you stop talking to him or her forever. Can you rebuild his or her trust? Can you ever really be comfortable trusting them again?
Or a son or daughter gets caught or busted drinking and driving and you, as a parent, will forever be skeptical about their driving again. Every time they go out, you get on edge and you don't sleep. You don't quite know how to react until you see them home safe and sound.
Trust is something that is earned, and you don't earn it overnight. So then the question becomes "How can we trust the Republican Party to do right after the way they acted the last time they had a majority?"
We know that we cannot trust the Democratic Party based on how they lied, cheated and stole to pass the Health Care Bill. We really know that we cannot trust Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Shumer or just about any Democrat but are the Republicans deserving of our trust?
You earn trust by actions, not be words. Words are cheap and have no value when it comes to judging trust. As President Obama once said, "Words, just words." Actions can be the only true judge when it comes to trust.
Republicans have to act. They not only have to talk the talk, they have to walk the walk. They need to stop being politicians and start being human beings. Being Americans. For the people. By the people. Of the people.
Republicans don't have much time to demonstrate their trustworthiness. They have between now and November to lead by their actions.
I live by a basic rule. Question authority! Question everything and believe what your heart and brain tell you. And trust no one in politics unless they prove worthy.
That is my stand, what is yours?