Last Chance for Dems and GOP!
Neither party is without fault. Democrats, on the liberal side, see no harm in opening their bank accounts to some very small but boisterous special interest groups and lobbyists.
Republicans, with their “better than ya’ll” attitude have failed to provide leadership when given the opportunity, have demonstrated that money is their key alley and hide behind the definition of conservative politics.
To watch their constant back and forth bickering and never putting the needs and wants of the American people in their sights is felonious at best. If there ever is a reason for term limits on the Federal level, these politicians we send to Washington are prime examples. If two terms is good enough for the President, two-terms, or at most, 8 years should be the maximum for any Congressman or Senator and then they should be banned from serving in the government forever and as lobbyists for at least 10 years. Age limit should be 75 years old and out!
Pundits will say we would have novices running the country. If you can’t learn your job in 6 months, you should be fired anyway. There is not a company that would keep you around after 6 months; most will give you 90 days to learn your job. But our elected officials get 30 and 40 years to learn the ins and outs of how to circumvent good government for their own benefit.
After Term Limits, we should reform our election process and limit the amount of money a candidate can spend on his or her election campaigns. A “level the playing field” measure bringing politics back to the grass roots level. Remember by the people, for the people, of the people? It is currently “by the extremely wealthy, for the totally corrupt, of the greedy” or as they say in Washington for “me, myself and I”.
The political leaders of our country are driving voters away from both the Republican and Democratic parties. They should pay more attention to voters and less attention to their parties and lobbyists. We will eventually win and elect actual leaders to take control away from the left and right.
The Republicans say that a third party will just empower the Democrats and give them victory. I say great because the Democrats will screw it up so bad that a third party will eventually win and then, maybe, we can move forward with less government regulations and interference. Fewer taxes, less out of control spending, fewer backroom deals, less pork projects, less waste and minimal bureaucratic BS and mostly fewer lawyers.
If the Republicans (read Conservatives) gain control and don’t perform to our desires, we will have a third party by 2014. The American people need to keep their eyes on Washington and hold them accountable.
Similar to your comments, I've recently started looking at 3rd party candidates. Some appear to me as very reasonable and worthy of my vote and are distinctly better than the radical ones. I should think lots of people and you too, Mr. Perks, would find a good 3rd party candidate they like. But why do those alternatives get so very few votes?
My guess is that people are not quite fed up with our current politicians and they really want to believe that the Republicans will do better this time around. They will probably give the Republicans one more chance to prove themselves.
If a third party candidate from a mainstream party were to become disgusted with their party and jumped ship midstream to become a third party candidate, after receiving some major campaign contributions, it could prove to be a bold move.
It could make for an interesting movie at least.
I really disagree on two counts:
First, why give a second chance to either R's or D's? Either party simply exists to keep their chore-boys in office and in so doing they split the issues and thus the taxpayers' cash. I see little difference between the "Tea Partiers" who are being used by the R establishment (Tom DeLay & Newt Gingrich) just as Nixon used his "enemies list" in the 70's. The D's start with almost good proposals but wind up with bills that are practically written by their opposition (Bush had a very similar plan during his term and all this "healthcare" bill has provided was 30 some million new customers for the insurance industry; largely at the taxpayer's expense).
Second, are we so indoctrinated to "mainstream" politicians that we can't even consider a true third party person? By way of example, I don't necessarily like all of your conservative perspective but you are clear enough in your statements that I respect you! I suggest that you'd be a far better candidate than any McCain, Peters, Knollenberg, Granholm, Bishop, or (may God help us) Palin! And if you were free of the strings imposed by the D & R parties I would likely actually vote for you.
No more last chances. I'll keep my eye on the high profile contenders but the power elite have blown at least a dozen "last chances" with me.
Thanks for your comments Robert. I agree with your closing sentence about "last chances." My comment about giving the Republicans one more chance is not my personal point of view. I think both parties have had too many opportunities and have blown it. I was generalizing that I think many people (not necessarily me) are willing to give the mainstream parties "one more chance" to prove their worth.
I would enjoy seeing a strong third party with ethics, morals and standards that most Americans have. A third party of the people, by the people and for the people.
As for your comment that I would make a better candidate that those mentioned, thanks. I know I would because I can't be bought, my parents taught me the value of honesty and integrity. I have strong ethics and morals, not saying they don't but I know myself.
The one thing about me is that if you ask me a question, I will answer it. You may not like the answer but I will answer. If I am not knowledgeable about the situation, I will tell you. I would never pretend to be an expert, like most politicians nowadays. In other words, I could never run for office because of my honesty.
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