Blogs > It's Time To Take A Stand

Being a business theatre producer has allowed Brian the opportunity to meet and work with some very fascinating people from a variety of backgrounds which, in turn, has helped shape his knowledge and his opinions. His blog will not always be political, it will be about a lifetime of subjects, and nothing is off limits. “Few people have original thoughts, we are shaped by the people we know and meet” he says.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hypocritic Oath

Where will it end? When one gets elected to public office, there must be a secret oath that they pledge to be hypocrites whenever and wherever possible. And I also think the media takes the pledge as well.

Head hypocrite Rahm Emanuel, the White House Chief of Staff, leads the way along with most of the Obama administration, including the President and Vice-President.

Just because Tony Hayward decides to take a weekend break and try to relieve some stress, the media is all over it almost declaring that work in the gulf has come to a complete stop. It is OK for the President to take a day off and play golf but not OK for anyone else. What hypocrites!

Rahm Emanuel is going to be on This Week with whomever is the host this week and declare that Tony Hayward shouldn't be taking a day off. He is probably going to criticise BP and Tony Hayward for taking a day off while his boss, President Obama and Vice-President Biden play golf. It is not like he is personally working in the gulf. What hypocrites!

Should the President of ABC take a day off or will the news world come to a screeching halt? What happens when the President of Macy's takes a day off, do all sales stop? What hypocrites!

Everyone needs to have some stress relief from their jobs and Tony Hayward is no different and this is just another example of the ugliness, stupidity and hypocrisy of Chicago-Style politics. If I didn't know better, I would say that Al Capone was their mentor.

Every lead story on the news is about Tony Hayward boating for the weekend but you don't hear about the President's golf game or his mini vacations that he takes about every 6 to 8 weeks. What hypocrites!

I am sure BP is working around the clock trying to stop the leak, not Tony Hayward personally. If anything, it is the government that is putting road blocks in BP's way.

The government denied help from the Danish government that would have taken 20,000 barrels of oil out of the gulf a day per ship but the Obama administration, with its false pride, said no thanks, we don't need your help. Many foreign governments have offered assistance only to be rejected because our government is so egotistical that they think they know better than everyone else. They don't want anyone to take credit for stopping the oil leak. They would rather have it gush for another month than stop it and give credit to someone else. What hypocrites!

It is time to remember this in November when you go to the polls.


Blogger Frog said...

"They don't want anyone to take credit for stopping the oil leak. They would rather have it gush for another month than stop it and give credit to someone else. What hypocrites!"

I can relate to your anger and desperation to place blame, but if you actually think this then you are a lost cause, blinded by your biased.

People throw these accusations out so effortlesly, you aren't the only or even close the worst offender, but when you take a second to step back and use "Common Sense" as you've alluded to in other blogs, it is preposterous that this could be true.

You literally believe the President of the United States is intentionally allowing the oil spill to continue just so he can take credit for it?

What does he care about the credit? First of all, its not like his opposition would actually praise him for stopping the oil spill, even if he did it with his bare hands. Second, the power of his public relations is going to take credit for the solution of the oil spill anyway.

Come on Brian, this isn't some conspiracy plot to make Obama look good, if anything the longer it takes, the worse his ratings will be.

June 21, 2010 at 3:36 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

He may not be intentionally doing it but by being so egotistical that he cannot accept the offer of help from other nations, he is letting it happen. He, and possibly we as Americans, feel we have all the answers and that everyone else can't possibly have the knowledge we have is so wrong.

We have nations begging to help us control or at least minimize the oil gush (it sure is not a leak or a spill) but our government has said no, that they have it under control.

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them.

June 24, 2010 at 5:55 PM 
Anonymous ccblogger said...

Mr. Perks, you accuse the President and his staff of being hypocritical but don't give any specific examples of their supposed hypocrisy; instead you make the assertion that you know what Mr. Emanuel is going to speak about on a talk show. Then you repeat the lie that the administration has rejected assistance in cleaning up the Gulf oil spill from the Danish government. Well here are some facts that dispute your claims:
From Mexico -- Two skimmers and 13,780 feet of boom (accepted in early May).

From Norway -- Eight skimming systems (accepted in early May).

From Netherlands -- Three sets of Koseq Rigid Sweeping Arms, which attach to the sides of ships and gather oil (accepted on May 23).

From Canada -- 9,843 feet of boom (accepted on June 4).

Politifact, along with the Associated Press, also notes that much of the foreign assistance is not being offered for free. Instead, during our time of crisis, many countries seem to be knocking our door essentially trying to sell us their goods and services. It is slightly more understandable why the Obama administration would not be entirely welcoming to these sales pitches. By buying foreign assistance when we could buy the same services or equipment domestically, we would essentially be shipping jobs overseas as part of the response to the Gulf oil spill.
These figures were taken from the website.
There are currently fifteen foreign-flagged vessels working on the spill. Over 1,000 vessels and over 25,000 personnel are in the gulf involved in clean-up efforts. I would hardly characterize this effort as an example of an administration that wants the gushing to continue.

June 28, 2010 at 10:31 AM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

They are hypocrites because they tarred and feathered the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward for taking a weekend off to relax from all the stress of the Gulf Oil tragedy all the while they are out playing golf. That is why they are hypocrites.

Most of the main stream media kept showing video of Hayward yachting and were very critical of him. Never once did they show Obama and Biden golfing. Do as I say not as I do. Shame.

And if you read my blog, you will not find anything that I said assumed there would not be a charge. They just have the technology to remove much of the oil spewing out before it got to land. I never said it would be FREE!

Nothing governments ever do is FREE! They should have taken any and all help available and later charge BP.

June 28, 2010 at 9:21 PM 
Anonymous ccblogger said...

Mr. Perks, you accused the administration of rejecting foreign help. Clearly your accusation was false, yet you didn't address this in your response to my post. You changed the subject completely and focused on a minor point. The least you could do is to man up and admit you were wrong. Turning off FAUX NEWS would also help.

July 1, 2010 at 7:56 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

Wrong about what, the administration not accepting foreign help. They had to be pressured into it and it took them weeks to decide to accept any help.

Or wrong about Rahm Emanuel going on the talk shows to complain about Tony Hayward taking a weekend off to go sailing. Did you watch them? I did.

Or wrong about the sand berms. The Army Corps of Engineers is currently dropping sand bags along the shoreline of Louisana and they plan to continue indefinitely. A little late but none the less they are doing it.

I have been wrong many times in my life but I don't think I am wrong this time. If it proves that I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it.

July 1, 2010 at 8:35 PM 
Anonymous ccblogger said...

Mr. Perks you wrote and I quote: " Rahm Emanuel is going to be on This Week with whomever is the host this week and declare that Tony Hayward shouldn't be taking a day off". You obviously wrote that before the show aired. The administration did accept foreign help beginning in early May. That wasn't a case of waiting weeks for help. Please, if you are going to accept the OP's hospitality and write a blog, stick to the facts.

July 1, 2010 at 10:38 PM 
Anonymous thefrogblogg said...

Again I would like to severely stress the fact that Yachting and Golf are NOT COMPARABLE ACTIVITIES.

The President of the United States has an insane amount of things to worry about and he went golfing on Fathers Day.

That is not in any way the same as the CEO of the company RESPONSIBLE for the oil spill taking time off to do something that's available to 1% of the country.

I know Obama is the antichrist and everything he's done or will ever do is wrong, but for one second use the "Common Sense" you've previously referred to and think about the difference between Golfing and Yachting. Then think about the difference between somebody who had nothing to do with the Oil Spill and the person who is in control of the company that CAUSED THE PROBLEM. If you are going to criticize somebody for golfing, then you obviously have no boundries and are a lost cause.

Prove me wrong, write something positive about Obama in your next blog. Until then, you can't be taken seriously by anybody that doesn't live and die with partisanship.

July 2, 2010 at 1:16 PM 
Blogger Brian J Perks said...

You have got to be kidding. Belonging to an exclusive country club does not come cheap and to think it doesn't compare to Yachting is preposterous.

And to show you how wrong you are, President Obama is a wonderful orator, gives absolutely great speeches, is a better actor than most Academy Award winners, appears to be a great father and a wonderful husband.

There I said something positive about the President.

It is his policies and way of doing business with which I disagree.

July 2, 2010 at 5:59 PM 

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