Fixing the school system!
How to best serve students while maintaining a good working relationship with the MEA is one of the challenges facing school boards, escalating health care costs and building maintenance are others. Through most of the process, the students seems to take a backseat in many districts.
How to maintain the swimming pool quality, how to pay to resurface the football field or add new tennis courts were priorities during the late nineties and at the turn of the century. How to evaluate teacher performance has been a hot topic lately without a solution. How do we put students first is a priority.
The main ingredient necessary to a healthy quality education, along with good teachers, in my opinion, is parental involvement and disipline. These areas have been made more difficult with the current economy and have been battered and abused by a legal system that is hell bent on political correctness and is a casualty of our legal system.
While some disricts are looking at a state takeover, most of it can be avoided with better parental involvement. Parental involvement is an area that is taken for granted and is so important, but no one seems to be attempting to get parents more involved.
I know that many are struggling to make ends meet and that some parents have two or three jobs but a parent being involved in a child's education is one of the most critical elements in a child's development. It doesn't take much time, mostly an interest in their daily activities. If you can, drop by the school unannounced and stop by and watch the teacher's activities for 5 or 10 minutes. Parents who are able to attend field trips make a lasting impression on young minds. I am not suggesting doing their homework, I am suggesting listening to your student and become active in their education.
How to evaluate teacher performance is another area in which there never seems to be a solution. I would like to offer one idea for consideration, taken from the JD Powers playbook.
Why not have the students and their parents evaluate teachers? Much like JD Powers does for car companies, hotels, travel companies, etc..., send out an anonymous survey to students and families and get their opinions and have them score the teaching staff. Have the people with the most to lose or gain evaluate the teachers.
The currently used MEAP tests are under suspicion as to their validity. Some teachers teach for the test and waste a couple of weeks of a students time instead of teaching their curriculum.
Instead of MEAP test or in addition to the tests, why not ask the students and their parents?