Democratic Heritage (Shhhh)
Signs for judges, State Senators, Congressmen (Oops, Congresspeople - got to be PC - LOL) County Commissioners, etc... The one thing I have noticed most of all is that just about all Republican Candidates state right on their signs that they are Republican. Democrats seemed to have left the fact that they are Democrats off many signs. Why? (I am sure that if you look hard enough, you will find some signs touting Democrat heritage so don't waste your time writing me about it.)
It seems to me that if you are proud of what your party has accomplished, you should be screaming it from the rooftops. If I were a Democrat or a Republican, I would be proud of my connection to either party. As an Independent, and I am, I would share that information in hopes to attract voters.
Are Democrats ashamed of their heritage or their stand? Are Obama's policies failing them? Is Obama's penchant for Socialism and Marxism giving them heartburn? Did they purposely leave off their Democratic lineage?
My guess is YES!
They may want to contribute to the confusion of the elections by not identifying themselves as Democrats hoping that they will get votes from a voting public that is not aware of who is with which party. (Yes, I know the ballot will eventually identify their party affiliation but it may be too late by then.)
That is my stand and opinion.
Democrats have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, President Obama has accomplished many of the things he said he would do in the campaign.
While he's not batting .1000, he still has Hall of Fame numbers.
You may want to watch this, Brian.
Bruce, I did watch the Rachel Maddow video, she didn't mention anything about putting the country in debt to the tune of 16 Trillion dollars? My great grand children will still be paying it.
I am sure some of his policy changes are probably acceptable like, equal pay for equal work, something that should have been done 50 years ago. I salute him for that.
But what about an open and transparent government, what about listening to the other side, what about not having closed door meetings, opening the government to CSPAN? Suing the State of Arizona. Hall of Shame is more like it.
"They may want to contribute to the confusion of the elections by not identifying themselves as Democrats hoping that they will get votes from a voting public that is not aware of who is with which party. (Yes, I know the ballot will eventually identify their party affiliation but it may be too late by then.)"
So you're implying that people are people are more likely to discover the political party of a candidate through the millions of lawn signs, but not from the actual ballot.
This entire post is complete garbage, you provide no statistics or factual evidence, you just say that this blog is your opinion and you're going to state it even if it is obviously wrong.
If you can give me a percentage of which signs identify, or do not mention, the party of the candidate then maybe your argument would have a sliver of legitimacy.
I hope you're not getting paid for this nonsense.
Frog, what part of opinion do you not understand?
To make it simple for you read below.
o·pin·ion [uh-pin-yuhn]–noun
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
All I said is that I have not seen one single sign with a "democrat" ID on it yet. I have been looking but haven't seen a single one. Granted I have seen many Republican signs without their ID either but the Democrats far outweigh Republicans.
I really don't care if you agree or not. It is just my opinion and observations.
Here is another definition for you.
ob·ser·va·tion [ob-zur-vey-shuhn]–noun
1. an act or instance of noticing or perceiving.
2. an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching.
3. the faculty or habit of observing or noticing.
Have a great day.
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